Jan Weimer Fund


If donating by personal check, please make the donation out to Stanford University (with Jan Weimer Fund in the memo section) and mail it to our office in Glendale so that we may properly record, bundle, and forward funds to Stanford. Our address is:

Jan Weimer Fund
c/o Dr. Sanford Weimer
517. E. Wilson, Ste. 105,
Glendale, CA 91206

The Jan Weimer Fund Tax ID is 912144095.

For donations by charitable trusts or foundations required by law to only contribute to public charities, please follow the above instructions. If donations must be mailed directly to Stanford, please notify our office so that your donation is likewise properly tracked.

Stanford University’s tax id is 941156365 which is to be used by those with charitable trusts or foundations that can only contribute to public charities. We would like to emphasize that if at all possible those with these charitable foundations make their checks payable directly to Stanford Univeristy, put Jan Weimer Fund in the memo section, but mail them to our Glendale office so we can, again, properly record, track and forward the funds to Stanford. If they have to be mailed directly to Stanford, we would like to emphasize to people to please notify us of their contribution so we can track it and assure its proper accounting in the Stanford system.